Like it or not, summer is coming to a close, and while we all slowly ease into the idea of pumpkin spice lattes and cozy sweaters, let's first take a moment to look back at some of the gorgeous weddings we've featured here over the summer. In no particular order, here are our top five favorite summer wedding photos!
From "A Cleveland-Themed Real Wedding" -- photo by Laura K. Allen Photography & Design.
From "Casually Elegant Real Wedding at the Chagrin Valley Hunt Club" -- photo by Genevieve Nisly Photography.
From "A Romantic, Whimsical Real Wedding in Northwest Ohio" -- photo by Studio Elle Photography.
From "A Classy, Cleveland-Themed Real Wedding in Little Italy" -- photo by Suzuran Photography.
From "Classic Americana Real Wedding in Independence, Ohio" -- photo by Aster & Olive Photography.